In October, we had Danielle's dedication. It was very nice. We had Jer's Pop Pop (Danielle's great grandfather) with us. Pastor John performed the dedication, as he did for Emma and Elizabeth too :)

Me Danielle and Pastor John

Here we are on Thanksgiving on the subway. We were supposed to ride the regional rail, but got to the station as it was leaving :( so we drove to Fern Rock and hopped on the subway. It was way cheaper, but the hallways in center city smelled like pee...ewww...

Here's Frosty, I didn't get any pics of the girls this time b/c we got there so late so Jer got them a spot up front but me, Mom and Danielle stayed behind the crowds. Here's Mom and Elizabeth, I can't figure out why the picture won't stay rotated....sorry...

Danielle's first thanksgiving day parade

The Ambroses in Love Park :)

All of us :) Me, Jer, Mom, Dad,Elizabeth, Danielle, Sam, Emma, James

All the girls :)

What a cute couple ;-)

Krissy and Danielle

Me and Jer
Emma's Sleeping Beauty cake
Emma's 6th Birthday party
Emma and Elizabeth playing Bella Dancerella