Sunday, May 31, 2009

Emma's Recital and More...

Saturday was pretty busy...Miss Carol got married..finally :) She's Elizabeth's teacher at daycare...then we had Emma's dance recital...she was so excited and did a great job :)

Elizabeth was tired, and missed Emma's performance

Here's the video....don't forget all my other pics are on our shutterfly page

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day weekend

So I had a pretty nice weekend :) On Friday night I was completely surprised with a baby shower by my Mpact/Remix girls...I really had no idea and was so surprised. It was such a nice night :) I got everything I needed and had a great time with some great ladies and girls.

Then on Saturday, Jer started working on my mother's day gift..he dug my garden for me and built a frame around it for me. It was pretty hard work, thank goodness for him, b/c I wouldn't have been able to do it this year. The girls of course were his little helpers. They were so cute.

Here's Jer getting my frame just right....then the girls and I planted the garden..we planted tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, eggplant, zucchini, green beans, broccoli, and corn...

Jer brought home a bouquet of beautiful flowers for me for Mother's Day and he also brought the girls each a carnation...this was Elizabeth's first time getting a flower from her daddy...definitely a kodak moment :)
Here's a random pic of me at 7 months.... I have a lot more pics from the weekend on my shutterfly at