Okay, i know this has nothing to do with Sesame Place, but Linda gave me these delicious cookies, and they are so cute..well, the first one is..Go SARAH! the second one they gave me by mistake, because I DON"T like Obama, but at least I got to bite his head off...quite delicious. It was supposed to be McCain. :) Anyway...the rest is about Sesame Place If you want to see the full picture album click on
http://ambroses.shutterfly.com/ I have pics of Sesame place and pics of the girls at he park with their Mom Mom and Pop Pop.

Just arriving at Sesame place...Excited???
We spent the day today at Sesame Place, it was a first for me, Emma, and Elizabeth. We had so much fun. It was very tiring. We saw Elmo's World Live, the girls saw Oscar the Grouch, Bert and Ernie and Cookie Monster. We played in the water park, Emma rode a rollercoaster, and we played in the water park even more. Then We rode the lazy river where Elizabeth fell asleep on Jer till the waterfall falling on her woke her up...so pitiful, too bad I didn't have my camera to get that on tape :) We had so much fun though. I asked the girls what their favorite parts were: Emma said the Mushroom, it was in the 'pool' with water falling over the edge, and she'd walk under it. Elizabeth said Mr. Noodle (at Elmo's world Live). They had a blast!
These are a few pics of the park....